vineri, 5 iulie 2013

Utilizarea blogurilor în educaţie -NING

Deşi foloseam diferite bloguri de ceva vreme, doar participarea mea la cursul de formare LLP cu titlul 'Creating multimedia activities for language learning' în anul 2009, organizat de Universitatea din Amsterdam, m-a făcut să înţeleg importanţa lor în educaţie. Atunci am înţeles că elevul va fi atras mai mult în procesul de învăţare folosind mijloace moderne precum blogurile. Ca avantaje ale acestora pot spune că ele pot fi accesate îin orice moment al zilei nu numai în timpul orelor, elevii mai timizi pot să îşi exprime ideile mai clar, transferul de informaţii se realizează nu numai de la profesor la elev ci şi prin interacţiunea cu ceilalţi participanţi, blogul permite vizionarea de filmuleţe educative, rezolvarea de teste, publicarea fotografiilor în urma realizării unei activităţi, etc. Ca dezavantaj principal se poate considera lipsa comunicării faţa în faţă.

vineri, 28 iunie 2013

Creating Multimedia Activities for Language Learning

   Nowadays, teaching is a real challenge and more and more teachers have become aware of the importance of creating attractive lessons, lessons that can promote a real life learning environment. The training course (LLP) - NL-2007-163-006 ‘Creating multimedia activities for language learning'-Amsterdam,18.10.2009-25.10.2009  provided technical knowledge and skills about applications relevant to the development of multimedia activities with digital audio and video for foreign and second language learning.
Speaking activities     with the computer. We can use audio forums such as VOXOPOP or VOICETHREAD that offer more possibilities for speaking skills training, also outside the classroom (at home), everyone gets speaking time, in a  “safe” training environment (= if you are not satisfied, you can record your voice again), the teacher can give individual feedback.
Audio capturing & editing. We can capture audio files from YouTube with and once you have an audio file (mp3-format), we can edit it with Audacity
Video capturing & editing. We can capture video files from YouTube with (wmv-format) and edit it with Windows Movie Maker.
Software for interactive exercises. We can create interactive exercises with Hot Potatoes . /It includes six applications, enabling us to create interactive multiple-choice, short-answer, jumbled-sentence, crossword, matching/ordering and gap-fill exercises for the World Wide Web.

duminică, 23 iunie 2013

Pregatire pentru teza

Shops and going shopping

I.                    Match the products to the shops:

1.       Fishmonger’s                 a. bread

2.       Confectioner’s                 b. chocolate cake

3.       Butcher’s                         c. watch
4.       Chemist’s                        d. magazine
5.       Newsagent’s                   e. paracetamol
6.       Greengrocer’s                 f. pen
7.       Electrical store               g. salmon
8.       Jeweller’s                         h. orange
9.       Baker’s                             i. hairdryer
10.   Stationer’s                      j. salami

II.                  Match the words to their meanings:

1.       Bargain                    a. a developing country is poor and does not have many industries2.       Trader                      b. the process of selling goods or services for money3.       Homeless                 c. without a place to live4.       Sale                          d. someone who buys and sells things5.       Developing               e. something you buy that costs much less than normal

III.                Make sentences using the following words:

1.       Buy; 2. Charity shop; 3. Car boot sales; 4. Earn ;5. Pocket ; 5. Pound .

sâmbătă, 22 iunie 2013

Mesaj de bun venit

 Bine ati venit pe blogul meu!

Sunt profesoară de limba engleză la Liceul Tehnologic Meserii și Servicii Buzău.